Form of government: multiparty republic with one legislative house (Turkish Grand National Assembly [450]).
Chief of state: President.
Head of government: Prime Minister.
Capital: Ankara.
Official language: Turkish.
Official religion: none.
Monetary unit: 1 Turkish lira (LT)=100 kurush; valuation
(Oct. 6, 1995) 1 U.S.$=LT 50,093; 1
=LT 79,189.
Population (1995): 62,526,000.
Density (1995): persons per sq mi 207.8, persons per sq km 80.2.
Urban-rural (1993): urban 65.6%; rural 34.4%.
Sex distribution (1990): male 50.66%; female 49.34%.
Age breakdown (1993): under 15, 32.9%; 15-29, 28.0%; 30-44, 18.2%; 45-59, 11.7%; 60-74, 7.5%; 75 and over, 1.7%.
Population projection: (2000) 69,694,000; (2010) 80,120,000.
Doubling time: 35 years.
Ethnolinguistic composition (1992){1}: Turkish 92.0%; Kurdish 6.2%; Arabic 1.4%; other 0.4%.
Religious affiliation (1992): Sunni Muslim c. 80.0%; Alevi (nonorthodox Shi'i sect) c. 19.8%; Christian c. 0.2%.
Major cities (1993): Istanbul 7,331,927; Ankara 2,719,981; Izmir 1,920,807; Adana 1,010,363; Bursa 949,810; Gaziantep 683,557; Konya 558,308.
Birth rate per 1,000 population (1994): 26.0 (world avg. 25.0).
Death rate per 1,000 population (1994): 6.0 (world avg. 9.3).
Natural increase rate per 1,000 population (1994): 20.0 (world avg. 15.7).
Total fertility rate (avg. births per childbearing woman; 1992): 2.7.
Marriage rate per 1,000 population (1991): 8.0.
Divorce rate per 1,000 population (1991): 0.5.
Life expectancy at birth (1994): male 69.0 years; female 73.0 years.
Major causes of death per 100,000 population (1990) {2}: diseases of the circulatory system 344; malignant neoplasms (cancers) 75; infectious and parasitic diseases 27; ill-defined conditions 87.
Budget (1994). Revenue: LT 753,440,000,000,000 (indirect taxes 40.4%, direct taxes 37.7%, nontax revenue 20.6%). Expenditures: LT 899,375,000,000,000 (interest payments 33.2%, personnel 30.3%, investments 8.5%).
Tourism (1994): receipts from visitors U.S.$4,321,000,000; expenditures by nationals abroad U.S.$866,000,000.
Production (in '000 metric tons except as noted). Agriculture, forestry, fishing (1994): wheat 17,500, sugar beets 12,736, barley 7,000, potatoes 4,350, grapes 3,450, apples 2,095, corn (maize) 1,850, olives 1,400, cottonseed 1,006, oranges 920, sunflower seeds 740, cotton (lint) 632, lentils 610, hazelnuts 490, lemons 470, tobacco 242, oats 230, sultana raisins 176, attar of roses 800 kg{3}; livestock (number of live animals; 1993) 37,541,000 sheep, 11,910,000 cattle; roundwood (1993) 13,940,000 cu m; fish catch (1993) 556,000. Mining (1993): boron (concentrate) 1,124; pumice 1,045; chromite 533; celestite (concentrate) 44. Manufacturing (1991) {4}: refined petroleum 19,048; textiles 14,125; food products 13,722; electrical machinery 7,648; motor vehicles 7,632; iron and steel 7,478. Construction (completed; 1994): residential 45,714,000 sq m; nonresidential 11,610,000 sq m. Energy production (consumption): electricity (kW-hr; 1994) 78,261,000,000 ([1993] 73,432,000,000); coal (metric tons; 1994) 52,523,000 ([1993] 55,987,000); crude petroleum (barrels; 1994) 26,355,000 ([1993] 186,332,000); petroleum products (metric tons; 1993) 22,360,000 (23,379,000); natural gas (cu m; 1994) 199,500,000 ([1993] 4,771,000,000).
Land use (1993): forested 26.2%; meadows and pastures 16.1%; agricultural and under permanent cultivation 35.8%; other 21.9%.
Household income and expenditure. Average household size (1993) 4.5; income per household (1987) LT 3,680,500 (U.S.$4,294); sources of income (1987): self-employment 51.4%, wages and salaries 24.1%, rent and interest 13.7%, transfers 10.8%; expenditure (1987): food and beverages 33.1%, housing 14.7%, clothing 12.3%, household furnishings 11.5%.
Gross national product (at current market prices; 1993): U.S.$126,330,000,000 (U.S.$2,120 per capita).
Population economically active (1993){5}: total 20,996,702; activity rate of total population 35.3% (participation rates: ages 15-64, 57.2%; female 30.8%; unemployed [1994] 8.4%).
Public debt (external, outstanding; December 1994): U.S.$52,625,000,000.
Imports (1994): U.S.$23,270,000,000 (nonelectrical machinery 16.0%; mineral fuels 12.2%; iron and steel 10.3%; road vehicles 9.2%; electrical and electronic equipment 7.7%). Major import sources: Germany 15.7%; United States 10.4%; Italy 8.6%; former U.S.S.R. 7.9%; France 6.3%; Saudi Arabia 5.3%.
Exports (1994): U.S.$18,106,000,000 (textiles 34.7%; iron and steel products 13.1%; edible fruits 6.1%; electrical and electronic machinery 3.8%). Major export destinations: Germany 21.7%; United States 8.4%; former U.S.S.R. 7.9%; Italy 5.7%; United Kingdom 4.9%; France 4.7%.
Transport. Railroads: (1993) route length 6,470 mi, 10,413 km; (1994) passenger-mi 3,967,000,000, passenger-km 6,385,000,000; (1994) short ton-mi cargo 5,654,000,000, metric ton-km cargo 8,254,000,000. Roads (1992): total length 240,286 mi, 386,704 km (paved 15%). Vehicles (1994): passenger cars 2,862,000; trucks and buses 942,000. Merchant marine (1992): vessels (100 gross tons and over) 880; total deadweight tonnage 7,114,289. Air transport (1994){7}: passenger-mi 5,675,000,000, passenger-km 9,133,000,000; short ton-mi cargo 143,736,000, metric ton-km cargo 209,851,000; airports (1995) with scheduled flights 24.
Communications. Daily newspapers (1991){8}: total number 31; total circulation 4,054,000; circulation per 1,000 population 71. Radio (1994): total number of receivers 8,800,000 (1 per 7.0 persons). Television (1994): total number of receivers 10,530,000 (1 per 5.8 persons). Telephones (1994) {9}: 12,318,969 (1 per 5.0 persons).
Educational attainment (1993). Percentage of population age 25 and over having: no formal schooling 30.5%; incomplete primary education 6.6%; complete primary 40.4%; incomplete secondary 3.1%; complete secondary or higher 19.1%; unknown 0.3%. Literacy (1995): total population age 15 and over literate 33,605,000 (82.3%); males literate 19,191,000 (91.7%); females literate 14,414,000 (72.4%).
Health: physicians (1990) 50,639 (1 per 1,108 persons); hospital beds (1992) 139,606 (1 per 420 persons); infant mortality rate per 1,000 live births (1994) 49.0.
Food (1992): daily per capita caloric intake 3,429 (vegetable products 88%, animal products 12%); 136% of FAO recommended minimum requirement.
Total active duty personnel (1995): 507,800 (army 78.8%, navy 10.0%, air force 11.2%). Military expenditure as percentage of GNP (1993): 5.8% (world 3.3%); per capita expenditure U.S.$118.